Opleidingen details Pfizer bv
ArcheoloGIST Summit IX (ID nummer: 316807)
Nascholing met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie per bijeenkomst
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Nascholing interne geneeskunde710-5-2018 t/m 9-5-2019
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

Overall theme: Working together to improve outcomes in GIST (behandeling patienten met Gastro-intestinale stromaceltumoren)

The scientific principles of archaeology will be applied to GIST; in the ArcheoloGIST Summit IX we will delve into the past (respice) to allow better understanding of the present (adspice) and future (prospice) management of patients with GIST.

Guided by an expert faculty, ArcheoloGIST Summit IX will provide the opportunity to exchange scientific research, share personal experiences and discuss key topics. We will review the latest advances at the forefront of GIST management, while looking to the future, asking how this might evolve to provide the very best in patient care. Additionally, we will discuss adjuvant therapy and new systemic agents for the management of GIST patients.

An important element of the ArcheoloGIST meeting series is interactivity. Through this event, we provide a platform for sharing knowledge and experience within the GIST community. As such, we invite you to submit a clinical case study – those selected by the faculty will be presented and discussed at the meeting. An award will be given for the case voted to be as the most clinically interesting. Further information on how to submit your clinical case study can be found later in this invitation.

(Meerdaagse) Nascholing
ArcheoloGIST IX- Invitation_v2.pdf16-2-2018 11:56862 KB
Totale kosten (vlucht/hotel/catering/transfer) 1031 euro p.p. waarvan Pfizer 500 euro zal vergoeden.
medische oncologie
10-5-2018 t/m 11-5-2018
LocatieWien (AT) (Toon kaart)
 Nascholing interne geneeskundeDatumTijd
programma410-05-201813:00 - 17:50
programma311-05-201809:00 - 13:00

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