Opleidingen details Martini Ziekenhuis / Martini Academie
Reference Visit 2018 Santeon & hospital networks New York (ID nummer: 313915)
Nascholing met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie voor totaal
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Algemene scholing cluster 21813-3-2018 t/m 12-3-2019
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

Monday March 12

Mount Sinai, NYC


  • Mount Sinai Health System structure & affiliate network development
  • VBHC strategy across hospitals & physicians
  • value and risk-based population health management

Afternoon parallel sessions

  • Geriatrics & co-morbidity, taking care of patients outside the hospital
  • Visit Brooklyn community center


Tuesday March 13

Northwell Health, Long Island


  • Drivers of the network development. Challenges, roadblocks & advantages.
  • Culture & leadership, keeping professionals and staff at the same pace
  • How are supportive services managed across the group?
  • Healthcare outcome quality developments

Afternoon parallel sessions

  • Center of Learning and Innovation (CLI)
  • Quality & metrics. Client involvement. Collaborative care centers. Interdisciplinary councils.


Wednesday March 14

  • Yale New Haven Health Network, New haven, CT
  • Morning
  • evolution of the Health network
  • governance, integrated services, reporting relationships.

Afternoon parallel sessions:

  • High reliability organization & quality
  • Development of shared services and economies of scale

Goals reference visit


Seven top clinical teaching hospitals of the Netherlands, represented by their CEOs and Chief Medical Officers, are seeking to meet with USA counterparts to exchange experiences in hospital  management.

The delegation is looking for inspiration and exchange within four subject areas will be addressed with the respective counterparts.


1. Organisational improvement and management of a hospital system or a hospital network

  • How is the hospital network and/or hospital system managed?
  • What thresholds are there to become a hospital group or system?
  • What has been the initial motivation for collaboration and/or merger?
  • What have been mayor challenges and roadblocks on the growth path?
  • What are the experiences in overcoming non-committal attitudes of the different partners and/or departments.


2. Healthcare quality

  • What methods are being used to measure healthcare outcome quality? (For example VBHC, PROMs, Triple Aim, Accountable Care, or other.)
  • How to evolve towards an integral usage of the quality methods?
  • How to develop a culture of continuous improvement in which all employees are eager to contribute and feel part of the results?
  • What experiences are there in keeping professionals and staff at the same pace and as much involved as possible?
  • How are results being reported back into the organization? On group, hospital, department, specialty and/or individual level?
  • Are there organizational and financial consequences of the quality outcomes?


3. Supportive services

  • How is a culture of excellence and of surpassing services created?
  • How is big data and artificial intelligence being used to improve management and quality of care?
  • What human resource strategy is being applied to support the overall goals?
  • What is the position and role of the medical specialist within management?
  • How deep are ehealth solutions integrated in the care pathway?
  • What is the ICT and Business Intelligence strategy to support operations?


4. Patient involvement

  • How is shared decision making between professional and patient being facilitated and stimulated?
  • Which supportive services are implemented to help the patient understand and participate in his/her own care pathway?

Counterpart & hospital networks that delegation will meet during the reference program:

  • Mount Sinai health system
  • Northwell health
  • Yale New Haven health system



(Meerdaagse) Nascholing
Santeon USA program dd 2018-02-08.docx8-2-2018 17:2637 KB
Dat is het bedrag dat per persoon door het eigen ziekenhuis wordt betaald. Gebaseerd op reis en verblijfkosten.
13-3-2018 t/m 15-3-2018
Tijd8:30 - 17:30

STZ ziekenhuis. Beschikt over 14 opleidingserkenningen, verzorgt M1 onderwijs.
De Martini Academie is geaccrediteerd door de V&VN als aanbieder van geaccrediteerd onderwijs in het kader van de KwaliteitsRegeling Verzorgenden & Verpleegkundigen.

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