Opleidingen details St. PEGD
PEGD seminar: Exploring the digestive system with ultrasound: Tour of the normal abdomen and hepatobiliary disorders (ID nummer: 307984)
Cursus met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie per bijeenkomst
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Scholing Gezelschapsdieren5 
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

Algemene informatie
The lectures will cover the ultrasonographic approach to best evaluate patients presented for non-specific digestive symptoms such as anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, and weight loss. The main target organs that will be discussed are liver, gastrointestinal tract and pancreas. Besides providing a solid baseline to what normal and variation of normal looks like, interpretation tips will be presented to optimize the diagnosis of common and less common hepatic, gastrointestinal and pancreatic disorders. The presentations are built and complemented with clinical cases outlining the pertinence of combining the clinical information (signalment, presenting signs, lab work, other imaging findings), and illustrating the key features of diseases.

For the liver, besides addressing the general ultrasonographic anatomy including the parenchyma, the biliary and the vascular systems, the lectures will illustrate the key features of the most common hepatic diseases affecting the liver size, shape, echogenicity and echotexture. Differential diagnoses for hepatic nodules and masses will be discussed. There will be a special emphasis on biliary disorders as they apply in dogs and cats.

GI tract: The normal ultrasonographic anatomy as well as the main features such as wall thickness, layering, contents, extension/ location of the lesion(s), used to evaluate GI diseases, are presented.

Disorders such as inflammatory bowel disease, intussusception, mechanical ileus, ulceration, dehiscence are described. All these conditions along with the differential diagnoses are discussed in light of the clinical context and other available imaging modalities. GI masses in dogs and cats, often are encountered in tumors. The ultrasonographic features of the most common GI neoplasia such as lymphoma, carcinoma, smooth muscle tumors, GIST will be presented. The location and distribution of these lesions within the GI tract is also addressed. In addition, the differential diagnoses of GI masses, including non-neoplastic disorders is reviewed.

Exploration of the pancreas covers the main ultrasonographic features of the normal pancreas in dogs and cats. The detailed knowledge of the anatomy is essential in more easily identifying this organ. Hallmark findings in disorders such as pancreatitis (and complications), and pancreatic tumors will be presented. When applicable, pertinent differences between species will be pointed.

Dierenartsen die regelmatig echografie apparatuur gebruiken en vertrouwd zijn met ultrasonografie van de honden- en kattenbuik.

After attending this seminar, the veterinarian can better visualize the structures in the abdomen in the ultrasound examination, he recognizes better if it is pathological and he can better interpret and diagnose the images.

Lezing / Refereerdagdeel
Fysieke bijeenkomst
2018-3-19-programma.pdf20-2-2018 12:07151 KB
Tijd12:30 - 18:30
LocatieUtrecht (NL) (Toon kaart)

De Stichting Permanente Educatie Gezelschapsdieren (PEGD) is een samenwerkingsverband zonder winstoogmerk van de Groep Geneeskunde Gezelschapsdieren (GGG), onderdeel van de KNMvD en het Departement Geneeskunde van Gezelschapsdieren (DGG) van de Faculteit Diergeneeskunde te Utrecht. 

De Groep Geneeskunde Gezelschapsdieren en het Departement Geneeskunde van Gezelschapsdieren (DGG) hebben, na het wegvallen van de stichting PAOD, de taak op zich genomen om nascholing voor dierenartsen en paraveterinairen te organiseren. Op 22 januari 2009 is hiervoor de Stichting Permanente Educatie Gezelschapsdieren (PEGD) opgericht. 

Het doel van de Stichting PEGD is hoogwaardige nascholingen te bieden voor gezelschapsdierenpractici en paraveterinairen, waarbij de nadruk ligt op de directe toepasbaarheid in de praktijk. Hiertoe biedt PEGD jaarlijks een uitgebreid nascholingsprogramma, waarbij naast lezingen ook interactieve workshops en modulaire, meerdaagse cursussen worden georganiseerd.

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