Opleidingen details CowSignals Training Company
open Certified CowSignals Master Course (ID nummer: 298531)
Cursus met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ alleen accreditatie voor totaal
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Scholing Herkauwers325-12-2017 t/m 4-12-2018
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

Aim of the training:
Is to become a successful CowSignals trainer and advisor. Focus will be 50/50 on CowSignals and PeopleSignals. You will receive a ready to use package with checklist, trainer manual and PowerPoint of CowSignals. We teach you to have more impact by asking better questions, open peoples’ eyes and minds and help farmers and advisors with practical ready to use knowledge and tips. We use humor and confrontation techniques, the Look Think Act principle, the CowSignals diamond, the PeopleSignals concept and a keep it simple approach. It will be an intensive course in a cosy setting, with a lot of interaction, sharing of ideas and personal feedback. 

What do we cover with CowSignals:
CowSignals covers the whole field of pratical dairy management. It is about prevention of disease and breaking through tunnel vision of  farmers and staff. We use the look, think, act principle and the CowSignals diamond: feed, water, light, air, rest, space and health. We look at cow behaviour and we let the cows tell us about what they think of feeding, housing and management. Special focus on Stress free calving line and transition management. We explain how to use 'The Power of Nature', milking the cow when she is licking her calf, with a pamper pen and a cuddle box. Subject in the training are: CowSignals, HoofSignals, YoungstockSignals, Dry to Fresh, FertilitySignals, UdderSignals, Robot Milking, FeedingSignals, StressFree Stockmanship and PeopleSignals.

Meerdaagse cursus
Fysieke bijeenkomst
Programma Certified CowSignals Master Trainer.pdf25-8-2017 16:33142 KB
11-9-2018 t/m 14-9-2018
Tijd8:30 - 17:00
LocatieBergharen (NL) (Toon kaart)

5-6-2018 t/m 8-6-2018
Tijd8:30 - 17:00
LocatieBergharen (NL) (Toon kaart)

6-3-2018 t/m 9-3-2018
Tijd08:30 - 17:00
LocatieBergharen (NL) (Toon kaart)

5-12-2017 t/m 8-12-2017
Tijd08:30 - 17:00
LocatieBergharen (NL) (Toon kaart)

CowSignals zet zich in voor het dierwelzijn en de gezondheid van melkkoeien wereldwijd. Daarnaast stellen we ons tot doel om het inkomen en het werkplezier van veehouders te verhogen. Dit doen we door veehouders, voedingsadviseurs en dierenartsen op te leiden. Op dit moment werken er meer dan 300 CowSignals trainers in meer dan 60 landen. 

Hoekgraaf 17a
6617 AX
0487 745041