Opleidingen details Boerhaave Nascholing
Basic Methods and Reasoning in Biostatistics (ID nummer: 297232)
Nascholing met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie per bijeenkomst
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Algemene scholing cluster 21011-9-2017 t/m 10-9-2018
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

The LUMC course ‘Basic Methods and Reasoning in Biostatistics’ covers the fundamental toolbox of biostatistical methods plus a solid methodological basis to properly interpret statistical results. The course is a mandatory part of the LUMC Graduate School Program and a prerequisite for any of the advanced biostatistical courses offered by the LUMC.
The course is given during a single week, followed by a final examination.

In this course we will cover basics of biostatistics and the participants will learn how to analyze problems in clinical research using SPSS. Subjects covered are among others: methodology of statistical analysis; causal inference; descriptive statistics; the principle of statistical estimation and testing; cross tabulation and chi-square test; Student t-test and the correspondence with non-parametric counterparts; simple regression and correlation; introduction to analysis of variance; interpretation of observational data; bias and confounding; basics of sample size calculation. 

week: 11-15 September 2017 every day from 8:45 - 17:15
exam  Tuesday 19 September 2017.

Every morning we start with two lectures.
Every afternoon participants work individually in the electronic learning environment on their own PCs/laptops on their own workplace.
At the end of the day, the material of that day is discussed during a general question session of approximately half an hour.

(Meerdaagse) Nascholing
toelichting en leerdoelen.docx9-8-2017 10:4416 KB
Participation fee for employees LUMC € 150,00
Participation fee outside LUMC € 950,00
Bachelor/master students of the Leiden University are free of charge
5-2-2018 t/m 9-2-2018
LocatieLeiden (NL) (Toon kaart)
 Algemene scholing cluster 2Aantal urenDatumTijd
Basic Methods and Reasoning in Biostatistics 2205-02-201809:15 - 11:30
Basic Methods and Reasoning in Biostatistics 2206-02-201809:15 - 11:30
Basic Methods and Reasoning in Biostatistics 2207-02-201809:15 - 11:30
Basic Methods and Reasoning in Biostatistics 2208-02-201809:15 - 11:30
Basic Methods and Reasoning in Biostatistics 2209-02-201809:15 - 11:30

11-9-2017 t/m 15-9-2017
LocatieLeiden (NL) (Toon kaart)
 Algemene scholing cluster 2Aantal urenDatumTijd
Basic Methods and Reasoning in Biostatistics 2211-09-201709:15 - 11:30
Basic Methods and Reasoning in Biostatistics 2212-09-201709:15 - 11:30
Basic Methods and Reasoning in Biostatistics 2213-09-201709:15 - 11:30
Basic Methods and Reasoning in Biostatistics 2214-09-201709:15 - 11:30
Basic Methods and Reasoning in Biostatistics 2215-09-201709:15 - 11:30

Boerhaave Nascholing is de oudste post-academische onderwijsorganisatie op geneeskundig gebied (PAOG) in Nederland.

Met Boerhaave Nascholing wil het LUMC medici en medisch wetenschappelijk onderzoekers inspireren de nieuwste wetenschappelijke inzichten toe te passen. Ons doel is dat zij steeds de best mogelijke patiëntenzorg leveren. Met deze nascholingsmissie wil het LUMC motiveren, enthousiasmeren en aanzetten tot handelen door een hoge kwaliteit van de nascholing. Die hoge kwaliteit betreft:de inhoud, namelijk actuele thema’s;
de vorm, zoals vooraanstaande sprekers, afwisselend en interactief programma, onderwijskundig maatwerk, e-learning e.d.;
de organisatie en de dienstverlening.

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