Opleidingen details AMC Biomedical Engineering & Physics
Diving Medicine; disorders of the head (ID nummer: 292566)
Nascholing met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie per bijeenkomst
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Nascholing sportgeneeskunde64-11-2017 t/m 3-11-2018
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.


In the first place, this symposium aims to give insight into mental abilities and chronic disorders of the brain or cranium that are intervening with dive safety or that are considered as relative or absolute contra indications for professional or recreational diving. These disorders can be caused by a pre-existing illness or condition which was not detected during the physical exam. They can also be related to a predisposition. In the second place, the symposium aims to give insight in a disorder or incident that can happen during a dive and that directly influences dive safety. Finally, they can be attributed to external factors the diver must be cope with. When these situations are not handled appropriately they may lead to a medical problem directly afflicting dive safety and in a worst case scenario to a fatality. The latter disorders may occur in healthy subjects. Eventually any combination of medical and circumstantial causes may trigger a diving accident or even a fatality.

Knowledge of unwanted pre-existing mental or physical conditions is crucial for the medical examiner of professional and recreational divers.

After this seminar, the physician will have the knowledge to decide whether a professional diver should be passed for his physical and whether a recreational diver should be allowed to dive and if so, under what conditions.

Since this seminar can be regarded as an advanced course, an elementary course on diving medicine (in the Netherlands e.g. SSH or VSG) is a prerequisite for physicians.

Program Diving med head disorders.doc11-6-2017 20:462460 KB
toeslag NVAB 90
toeslag NVD, VSG en NICDA 45
niet-artsen 65 (NB alles in Euro)
Erik van der Sande
Tijd9:30 - 5:00
LocatieAmsterdam Zuidoost (NL) (Toon kaart)

Preklinische afdeling AMC
AMC L0-104 Meibergdreef 9
1105 AZ
Postbus 22660
020 5665200