Opleidingen details St. Groningen Congres Bureau
Annual meeting Int. Society for Evolutionary Medicine and Public Health (ISEMPH) (ID nummer: 292180)
Nascholing met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie voor totaal
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Algemene scholing cluster 21218-8-2017 t/m 17-8-2018
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

ISEMPH2017 brings together scientists, teachers, clinicians, and students in the evolution and medicine community to share ideas and create new connections that will advance the field. This open meeting is designed to bridge the many different disciplines where relevant research takes place, including infectious disease, public health, genetics, anthropology, psychology, oncology, ecology, and veterinary medicine.

The main scientific question is how evolutionary biology can be informative for medicine and how medical information can contribute to evolutionary biology.

This is the 3rd international meeting of the International Society for Evolutionary Medicine and Public Health (ISEMPH, http://evolutionarymedicine.org), following meetings in Tempe, Arizona (2015) and Durham, North Carolina (2016).

A major goal of the 2017 Groningen meeting is to fortify and extend the scientific connections of medicine with the entire broad field of evolutionary biology. To this aim, ISEMPH collaborates closely with the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (http://eseb.org/ ). ESEB brings out 1.500 participants from all around the world and with an emphasis on Europe (http://www.eseb2017.nl/). To optimize interaction, the two programs overlap for one day, Monday August 21st.

Internationaal congres
ISEMPH-2017-Program.pdf6-6-2017 19:43188 KB
ESEB 2017 daily programme (version May 2017).pdf6-6-2017 19:45635 KB
Er worden in combinatie met het ESEB congres diverse mogelijkheden geboden om in te schrijven voor ISEMPH en/of ESEB.
Zie https://evolutionarymedicine.org/2017-isemph-meeting/registration/
18-8-2017 t/m 21-8-2017
Tijd16:00 - 19:30
LocatieGroningen (NL) (Toon kaart)

Wij willen voor medische congressen en symposia, die wij in opdracht van klanten organiseren, accreditatie kunnen aanvragen.

Griffeweg 5
9724 GE