Opleidingen details Girardin CommV
Evolutionary Physiology (ID nummer: 289693)
Cursus met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie per bijeenkomst
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia binnen NL/VL54Vanaf 1-6-2018
Overig Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia108Vanaf 1-6-2018
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

Cursus overloopt de menselijke Fysiologie in stijgende complexiteit en dimensie: (van klein naar groot, van simpel naar samengesteld)

Naast de fysiologie wordt er telkens een verwijzing gemaakt naar het praktische nut van deze kennis (praktijk) en zijn belang in de pathologie en differentiaal diagnostiek. (Klassiek en osteopathisch)

Dit is duiderlijk in de cursus struktuur:

Biochemie (Prot, gluc, lip)


Histologie (4 basis weefsels: epithelium, bindweefsel, neuronaal, musculair)

Metabole fysiologie per stof ( Gluc, lipid, prot) (bloedwaarden en hun beduiding)

Neurohormonale kontrolesystemen

Orgaan Fysiologie en vertering:

cephale fase





dunne darmen


lever gal

pancreas milt


praktische addenda


osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia. Met de nadruk op pathologie, differentiaaldiagnostiek en safety (rode vlaggen)
wetenschapsfilosofie, epistemologie
Seminarie 1: Biochemie van het menselijke lichaam – Cytologie deel 1
Seminarie 2: Cytologie deel 2 – Histologie
Seminarie 3: Metabole fysiologie – Neurohormonale controle
Seminarie 4: Orgaanvertering: de darm van mond tot anus
Seminarie 5 en 6 : Orgaanvertering: lever, pancreas, nier, milt

Target and motivation of the course
Physiology as a science focuses on the study of the dynamic relations between cells, tissues, systems and organs to come to the study of the organism as a whole.
In Osteopathy, Health is the first focus whereas in the same moment the structure and function are reciprocally interrelated and conjoin in the concept Form or Morphology. As an Osteopath it is thus essential to walk this path:

− from atom too molecule;

− from molecule too cell;

− from cell too tissue;

− from tissue too system and organ; and

− than collate these pictures into a feature movie called the organisms’ complexity.

The real end-goal being: to see Health and Form or morphology, the whole of structure-function interrelated. Consciously seeing Form permits the pedagogic boundaries between Anatomy and physiology to blur and transform into the intertwined pillars of knowledge of the human body and Life in general. In other words seeing instead looking at…
Therefore if you only have very restricted memory storage capacity, focus on the:

“ Keep this living picture in mind:” parts and the // didactic examples// they will give you images and living pictures that you can utilize in your daily practice.

‘Just do not make the mistake many in our profession made since the beginning with Dr. Stills’ teachings, please: they took the examples and metaphors he used to clarify his point, but they pinned them down in their memories as the essence. An example is usually used to clarify or demonstrate the underlying essence of a mechanism or object and it is certainly not the object, mechanism or essence!
As evolution demonstrates, complexity increasing small or big changes at a certain point induces often large consequences further on the line of evolution. If you want to understand it as a whole, Goethe’s way, “holistically” it is absolutely useful to make feedback loops in such a way that your knowledge gets connected and intertwined as a tapestry.
My pleading is dualistic, and this is how this evolutionary physiology course is formed:

Science and knowledge are essential requirements for our profession, but at the same moment we should not let us be restricted by them. As Science is a method of verification it runs per definition at the rear of reality.

Reality is incommensurably great and complex.

Empirics and observation were usually the predecessors of science. Osteopathy as a philosophy and concept opens to you the gates of discovery if you are observing and self-critical in your observations, but the scientific verification should follow if it is possible.

Reducing the biological complex reality is inherent to science since it exists; the verification pathways were mostly directed by economic and sometimes political pressure groups and thus were often automatically biased.

So let us usefully bring into play scientific knowledge & scientific investigation within our Osteopathic philosophy.

A philosophy and a concept that is in contradiction with scientific methodology is a religion or a belief...
Osteopathy is a philosophy, a concept and a science

M.Girardin, Pro-sector, D.O.m.R.O. and Evost Fellow.
1-6-2018 t/m 9-11-2020
LocatieMaaseik (BE) (Toon kaart)
 AccreditatieAantal urenDatumTijd
theorie les met praktische applicaties en observatie oefeningen
Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia binnen NL/VL

Overig Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia

7,3001-06-20189:00 - 18:00
theorie les met praktische applicaties en observatie oefeningen
Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia binnen NL/VL

Overig Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia

7,3002-06-20189:00 - 18:00
theorie les met praktische applicaties en observatie oefeningen
Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia binnen NL/VL

Overig Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia

7,3003-06-20189:00 - 18:00
theorie les met praktische applicaties en observatie oefeningen
Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia binnen NL/VL

Overig Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia

4,404-06-20189:00 - 15:00
theorie les met praktische applicaties en observatie oefeningen
Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia binnen NL/VL

Overig Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia

7,3009-11-20189:00 - 18:00
theorie les met praktische applicaties en observatie oefeningen
Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia binnen NL/VL

Overig Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia

7,3010-11-20189:00 - 18:00
theorie les met praktische applicaties en observatie oefeningen
Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia binnen NL/VL

Overig Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia

7,3011-11-20189:00 - 18:00
theorie les met praktische applicaties en observatie oefeningen
Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia binnen NL/VL

Overig Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia

4,412-11-20189:00 - 15:00
theorie les met praktische applicaties en observatie oefeningen
Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia binnen NL/VL

Overig Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia

7,3031-05-20199:00 - 18:00
theorie les met praktische applicaties en observatie oefeningen
Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia binnen NL/VL

Overig Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia

7,3001-06-20199:00 - 18:00
theorie les met praktische applicaties en observatie oefeningen
Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia binnen NL/VL

Overig Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia

7,3002-06-20199:00 - 18:00
theorie les met praktische applicaties en observatie oefeningen
Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia binnen NL/VL

Overig Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia

4,403-06-20199:00 - 15:00
theorie les met praktische applicaties en observatie oefeningen
Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia binnen NL/VL

Overig Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia

7,3008-11-20199:00 - 18:00
theorie les met praktische applicaties en observatie oefeningen
Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia binnen NL/VL

Overig Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia

7,3009-11-20199:00 - 18:00
theorie les met praktische applicaties en observatie oefeningen
Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia binnen NL/VL

Overig Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia

7,3010-11-20199:00 - 18:00
theorie les met praktische applicaties en observatie oefeningen
Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia binnen NL/VL

Overig Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia

4,411-11-20199:00 - 15:00
theorie les met praktische applicaties en observatie oefeningen
Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia binnen NL/VL

Overig Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia

7,3005-06-20209:00 - 18:00
theorie les met praktische applicaties en observatie oefeningen
Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia binnen NL/VL

Overig Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia

7,3006-06-20209:00 - 18:00
theorie les met praktische applicaties en observatie oefeningen
Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia binnen NL/VL

Overig Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia

7,3007-06-20209:00 - 18:00
theorie les met praktische applicaties en observatie oefeningen
Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia binnen NL/VL

Overig Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia

4,408-06-20209:00 - 15:00
theorie les met praktische applicaties en observatie oefeningen
Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia binnen NL/VL

Overig Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia

7,3006-11-20209:00 - 18:00
theorie les met praktische applicaties en observatie oefeningen
Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia binnen NL/VL

Overig Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia

7,3007-11-20209:00 - 18:00
theorie les met praktische applicaties en observatie oefeningen
Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia binnen NL/VL

Overig Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia

7,3008-11-20209:00 - 18:00
theorie les met praktische applicaties en observatie oefeningen
Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia binnen NL/VL

Overig Osteopathie gerelateerde nascholing of symposia

4,409-11-20209:00 - 15:00

Internationale cursus over fysiologie, complexiteit en systeem theorie, osteopathie, evolutionaire geneeskunde en complexiteit, filosofische cursus gericht op Osteopaten.

Evenaarsbinnenhof 2
Evenaarsbinnenhof 2
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