Opleidingen details Boerhaave Nascholing
Population Health Management Spring Course, Epidemiology and Methods Study design and comparative measures: causes and predictors (ID nummer: 288398)
Nascholing met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie per bijeenkomst
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Algemene scholing cluster 1,2 en 324 
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

If you do a research study, what design should you use? Are you looking for causes or predictors, and what is exactly the difference? How should I compare groups, and how do I express and quantify the difference? What if one group is older, or the other has more men? How do I know if there is bias?

These are all pertinent questions that you must ask before you design a study. In this week we will teach you asking the correct questions, and answering them. In the morning we will present the topics and give you the tools for the afternoon programme, where we will discuss articles, and do our own calculations. Ever drawn your own Kaplan-Meier survival curve, without a computer programme? Here you will learn how it works.

In the evening eminent epidemiologists will give insights in how they answered the questions, and applied this to actual research questions.

(Meerdaagse) Nascholing
Spring course.docx20-4-2017 13:0532 KB
Health care professional € 1.250,00
PhD Candidate (promovendus) € 625,00
AIOS € 625,00
LocatieDen Haag (NL) (Toon kaart)
 Algemene scholing cluster 1,2 en 3DatumTijd
Population Health Management Spring Course, Epidemiology and Methods Study design and comparative measures: causes and predictors508-05-201708:30 - 17:30
Population Health Management Spring Course, Epidemiology and Methods Study design and comparative measures: causes and predictors509-05-201708:30 - 17:30
Population Health Management Spring Course, Epidemiology and Methods Study design and comparative measures: causes and predictors510-05-201708:30 - 17:30
Population Health Management Spring Course, Epidemiology and Methods Study design and comparative measures: causes and predictors511-05-201708:30 - 17:30
Population Health Management Spring Course, Epidemiology and Methods Study design and comparative measures: causes and predictors412-05-201708:30 - 17:30

Boerhaave Nascholing is de oudste post-academische onderwijsorganisatie op geneeskundig gebied (PAOG) in Nederland.

Met Boerhaave Nascholing wil het LUMC medici en medisch wetenschappelijk onderzoekers inspireren de nieuwste wetenschappelijke inzichten toe te passen. Ons doel is dat zij steeds de best mogelijke patiëntenzorg leveren. Met deze nascholingsmissie wil het LUMC motiveren, enthousiasmeren en aanzetten tot handelen door een hoge kwaliteit van de nascholing. Die hoge kwaliteit betreft:de inhoud, namelijk actuele thema’s;
de vorm, zoals vooraanstaande sprekers, afwisselend en interactief programma, onderwijskundig maatwerk, e-learning e.d.;
de organisatie en de dienstverlening.

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