Opleidingen details Congress Company
ESSR - 52nd meeting of the European Society for Surgical Research (ID nummer: 287278)
Nascholing met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie per bijeenkomst
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Nascholing Heelkunde vakinhoudelijk (geen refereerbijeenkomsten)1415-6-2017 t/m 15-6-2018
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

The program will be directed towards technical and skills innovation in the surgical field. The meetings of the European Society for Surgical Research provide the perfect podium for the young and experienced researchers alike, to expand their scope.

(Meerdaags) Congres
Program at Glance.pdf7-4-2017 12:1752 KB
Info progam ESSR.pdf7-4-2017 12:17133 KB
ESSR member - full congress
€ 390 (15-4-2017)
€ 430 (15-4-2017 / 13-06-2017)
€ 460 full price

ESSR non-member - full congress
€ 450 (15-4-2017)
€ 465 (15-4-2017 / 13-06-2017)
€ 495 full price

ESSR non-member: congress registration after ESSR membership registration Full congress
€ 425 (15-4-2017)
€ 540 (15-4-2017 / 13-06-2017)
€ 570 full price

Undergraduate/resident/resident trainee (under 30 years) - full congress
€ 200 (15-4-2017)
€ 220 (15-4-2017 / 13-06-2017)
€ 240 full price

Registration - Program Dutch Adhesion Group (Thursday, June 15)
€ 100 (15-4-2017)
€ 120 (15-4-2017 / 13-06-2017)
€ 140 full price

Day registration - One day on Liver resections (Friday, June 16)
€ 150 (15-4-2017)
€ 170 (15-4-2017 / 13-06-2017)
€ 190 full price

Half day registration - Diabetic Foot Assocation (Saturday, June 17)
€ 60 (15-4-2017)
€ 75 (15-4-2017 / 13-06-2017)
€ 90 full price
Algemene Heelkunde
15-6-2017 t/m 17-6-2017
LocatieAmsterdam (NL) (Toon kaart)
 Nascholing Heelkunde vakinhoudelijk (geen refereerbijeenkomsten)DatumTijd
Congresdag 1615-06-201709:30 - 18:15
Congresdag 2616-06-201709:00 - 17:00
Congresdag 3217-06-201709:00 - 13:15

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