Opleidingen details RINO Amsterdam
Modified Interaction Guidance (MIG) (ID nummer: 281283)
Nascholing met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie voor totaal
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Nascholing psychiatrie613-5-2017 t/m 12-5-2018
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Modified Interaction Guidance (MIG)


Evidence-based intervention for attachment difficulties in parent-child relationships





Empirical evidence suggests that brief, focused interventions aimed at improving caregivers’ responsiveness to children’s cues and signals may be far more effective in promoting sensitive responsiveness in the caregiver and/or secure attachment in the child, than long-term, insight-oriented, broad based interventions. Although caregiver sensitive/insensitive responsiveness has been linked to the organized types of attachment (secure, avoidant, resistant), caregiving sensitivity seems independent of disorganized attachment. Yet, disorganized attachment is the type of insecure attachment that is most prevalent in high-risk groups and has been linked to the worst social and emotional outcomes and the most severe forms of behavioural and emotional problems and psychopathology in children. One recently documented precursor of disorganized attachment in children is the display of ‘atypical’ behaviours by their caregiver. Thus, early interventions that focus on attachment should aim to both promote caregiver sensitive responsiveness and reduce or eliminate caregiver ‘atypical’ behaviours (‘atypical’ behaviours include various frightening, frightened, dissociated, sexualized, or otherwise atypical behaviours). Interaction Guidance is an intervention method that has been used to reach caregivers who are difficult to engage, young and inexperienced, burdened by social adversity such as poverty, violence, and lack of education, have a limited capacity for introspection and/or cognitive limitations, and have resisted previous offers of help using more traditional psychotherapeutic methods. The Modified Interaction Guidance uses the principles of the traditional Interaction Guidance to improve sensitive responsiveness and promote secure attachment, but also focuses on reducing and/or eliminating caregiver ‘atypical’ behaviours associated with disorganized attachment. In this workshop, videotaped vignettes are used extensively to describe and illustrate specific techniques used with the Modified Interaction Guidance.



Accreditatiebureau - FGzPtPsychologen / Gedragstherapeuten / Pedagogen / Systeemtherapeuten
Accreditatiebureau NIP Kinder- en Jeugdpsycholoog (K&J) / NVO Orthopedagoog-Generalist (OG)Psychologen / Gedragstherapeuten / Pedagogen / Systeemtherapeuten
Jeugdzorg pedagoogPsychologen / Gedragstherapeuten / Pedagogen / Systeemtherapeuten
Jeugdzorg psycholoogPsychologen / Gedragstherapeuten / Pedagogen / Systeemtherapeuten
Klinisch neuropsycholoog (BIG) - FGzPtPsychologen / Gedragstherapeuten / Pedagogen / Systeemtherapeuten
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775.pdf21-2-2017 13:09184 KB
Psychotherapie en Psychiatrie
Tijd9:30 - 16:30
LocatieAmsterdam (NL) (Toon kaart)

De RINO amsterdam is een landelijk werkend nascholings- en opleidingsinstituut voor hulpverleners in de geestelijke gezondheidszorg (GGZ) en aangrenzende terreinen.

De RINO biedt al meer dan dertig jaar een rijk en gevarieerd aanbod van cursussen, workshops en opleidingen met topdocenten uit de praktijk, in het hartje van Amsterdam.

Leidseplein 5
1017 PR