Opleidingen details Genzyme
Steps Forward in Pompe Disease 8th European Symposium (ID nummer: 260625)
Nascholing met (fysieke) bijeenkomst(en)/ accreditatie per bijeenkomst
CategorieGeaccrediteerde puntenAccreditatieperiode
Nascholing neurologie1011-11-2016 t/m 10-11-2017
Als u als professional deze cursus gevolgd heeft dan wordt de presentie ingegeven door de opleider.

 Project background and objectives

Steps Forward in Pompe Disease (SFPD) is a scientific meeting delivered by Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) in Pompe disease for KOLs and experienced physicians (mainly Pompe disease patient treaters). It will be the 8th SFPD this year where experienced physicians will come together to discuss the latest in Pompe disease and state-of-the-art disease management and treatment.  

SFPD is intended to be a 1 1/2 international scientific meeting where we aim to have all KOLs and upcoming KOLs in Pompe disease present and discuss:

  • The latest in Pompe disease
  • The latest in Pompe disease management and treatment of Pompe disease
  • Discuss future development in the management and treatment of Pompe disease

We aim to have 120 – 150 physicians attending from Europe, Middle East, Africa, Canada, South America, Asia and Australia.

Target audience

The target audiences are expert or experienced level physician’s in Pompe disease e.g.

  • General neurologists
  • Neuromuscular specialists
  • Metabolic specialists
  • (neuro-)pediatrians

The meeting is explicitly not intended for inexperienced Pompe disease physicians.


The meeting will take place at the Steigenberger Hotel at Schiphol, The Netherlands.  It will be a day and a half meeting. The meeting program should consist of a mixture of plenary state-of-art presentations which are relevant to the entire audience which are relevant to subsets of the attendees (i.e. pediatrics versus adult diagnosers and treaters). A big part of the program should be dedicated to ‘recent developments’ in Pompe disease management and treatment.We will aim to have a significant level of interactivity/engagement of the attendees throughout the program.

The meeting will start on the Friday (April 11th, 2016) at approximately 1 PM, and run to approximately 6 PM. The meeting will continue on the Saturday (April 12th, 2016) at approximately 8.30 AM, and conclude at approximately 3 PM.

Chairs& scientific committee members

Chairs: Professor Ans van der Ploeg, Erasmus MC University Hospital, Rotterdam, The Netherlands & Professor Benedikt Schoser, Friedrich-Baur Institute, Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich, Germany

Scientific committee members: Dr Pascal Laforêt, Institute of Myology, Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, Paris, France & Professor Giancarlo Parenti, Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine, Napoli, Italy

The scientific committee will determine the agenda together with the chairs along with the faculty member(s) for each session. Sanofi Genzyme will hands-off approach towards agenda and content. 


Internationaal congres
FINAL Programme.docx18-7-2016 16:1337 KB
11-11-2016 t/m 12-11-2016
LocatieSchiphol (NL) (Toon kaart)
 Nascholing neurologieDatumTijd
Dag 1 (zie bijgevoegde agenda)511-11-201613:00 - 17:50
Dag 2 (zie bijgevoegde agenda)512-11-20169:00 - 16:00

Genzyme is sinds 1991 in Nederland actief. Zowel het Europese hoofdkantoor als het Nederlandse kantoor zijn hier gevestigd. Beide zijn onderdeel van Genzyme Corporation (Boston, USA). Genzyme Corporation is in de afgelopen 25 jaar tot een van ‘s werelds grootste Biotechnologie bedrijven uitgegroeid met een zeer gevarieerde productenportfolio.

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